1666 & 1667 New France Census

If you research New France, as I do; you may find our new ‘sub-site’ of value (link below). The ManyRoads’ 1666/1667 New France Census site focuses on gathering and providing to combined content of both the first and second Censuses of New France. These enumerations were taken by intendant Jean Talon.  He conducted the census largely by himself, traveling door-to-door among the settlements of New France. He did not include Native American inhabitants of the colony, or the religious orders such as the Jesuits or Recollets. The initial census was taken during the winter of 1665-66. But because the first census missed as many as 25% of the colony’s French settlers another census was taken in 1667. Both enumerations were taken using the de jure principle – that is, counting people where they normally reside. Although not perfect, these censuses provide good insight into the earliest settlements of New France. The ManyRoads’ 1666/1667 New France Census site is comprised of: a defunct 1666 Census Internet Website (that I resurrected from the Wayback machine) 1666 Handwritten Census documents 1667 Handwritten Census documents 1667 Census (pdf searchable) document.